Sled Dog Welfare®
1. Name and Objectives The charity shall be called Sled Dog Welfare®. The objective of the charity shall be: To promote the welfare of sled dogs in the UK In furtherance thereof but not otherwise, Sled Dog Welfare® shall seek to achieve this by:- 1. raising awareness of the issues affecting sled dog welfare, 2. raising funds to be used to benefit sled dogs through recognised welfare, rescue, and re-homing schemes.
2. Officers & Committee. The Charity shall consist of three committee members. The Committee shall appoint Office Bearers each year at the Annual General Meeting where necessary. The committee, may at its discretion co-opt additional committee members. No persons shall be in a salaried position; however any member of the Committee may at the discretion of the Committee be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses on provision of receipts. The Office Bearers and Committee members will have full voting rights; however the Chairperson has a casting vote in event of a tie. No persons under 16 years of age can serve on the committee.
3. Committee Procedures The management of the charity shall be in the hands of the Officers of the Charity which will be discussed and decided at committee meetings. A quorum for Committee meetings shall be two. Committee meetings will be held as often as deemed necessary but at least every twelve months.The Office Bearers shall have full voting rights. The Committee shall have the right to co-opt no more than five additional Members in any one year. Co-opted members shall retire at the next election, but shall be eligible to be co-opted back on to the committee during the elections at the AGM.The Secretary shall keep Minutes of all business transacted at official Committee eetings. Donations shall be at the discretion of the committee as discussed and agreed at committee meetings. Items for Committee Meeting Agenda must be received by the Secretary not later than Twenty-one days prior to the Meeting. Notices convening such Meetings with an genda shall be issued by the Secretary to Committee Members at least fourteen days prior to each Meeting. Any trustee who is in serious or persistent breach of the Charities and Trustees Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, or in breach of the Code of Conduct and/or exhausted the Disciplinary/Grievance procedures, and on the agreement of not less than two members of the committee shall be removed from the committee with immediate effect.
4. Finance Banking accounts shall be held in the name of the Charity into which all revenue of the Charity shall be paid and from which withdrawal shall only be made on the signature of one of the following Officers: The Treasurer, The Secretary or The Chairman of the Committee. None of the association’s assets may be distributed or otherwise applied (on being wound up or at any other time) except to further its charitable purposes. The Treasurer will keep and maintain an accurate system of accounting showing a complete record of all income and expenditure. The Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Charity shall be certified annually by an Independant Examiner, and presented to the Members of the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
5. General Meetings The Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the end of the financial year to which each Committee Member shall be entitled to attend and each member shall receive in writing Notice at least 28 days prior as to the time and place of the Meeting. An Agenda shall be issued to each Committee Member at least 14 days prior to the scheduled date of the Meeting. Items for inclusion on the Agenda must be submitted to the Secretary 21 days prior to AGM. The business transactions shall include: Chairpersons Report To elect office bearers and committee members where necessary Discussing any item included on agendaAny other business Only items included on the Agenda can be voted on at the Annual General Meeting. A Special Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary at the discretion of the Committee giving 21 days notice.
6. Alterations to Constitution Any request to alter or amend the constitution must be received by the Secretary 21days prior to the AGM to be included on the Agenda.
7. Heritable Property The title to all and any heritable property which may be acquired by or for any purpose of the Charity shall be taken and thereafter stand in the name of the Charity.
8. Dissolution The dissolution of the Charity may be determined in the following manner. Unanimous recommendation of the Committee, or on the requisition of not less than two thirds of he Members of the Committee. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary in writing giving not less than 21 days notice of the date and purpose of the meeting and such dissolution shall be effective only when decided upon a resolution carried by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present at the meeting. Upon dissolution of the organisation, after all Sled Dog Welfare® Trustee liabilities have been cleared, all remaining financial and material assets shall be given or transferred to such charitable organisation or organisations having purposes similar to Sled Dog Welfare. A final audited statement shall be provided |
Copyright © Sled Dog Welfare® 2007- Registered Charity number SC037452. All Rights Reserved.